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Live in the Ecoquartier and benefit from Mobility

11,000 people are expected to live and work in the north of Lausanne by 2034. Anyone living in the Plaines-du-Loup eco-neighbourhood receives a free Mobility membership. An on-site inspection.



Organic winemaker and lawyer: Sustainable travelling with Mobility

Car sharing has long been more than just a solution for private individuals. It also offers innovative mobility solutions for business customers – regardless of the sector in which they operate. An inspiring example: Camille, lawyer and winemaker.



Our webshop is as sustainable as possible – how does that work?

There is now a Mobility webshop. Thanks to bb trading, a Swiss company, we distribute our promotional items as environmentally friendly as possible. How does that work? Find out more here.



Explore Geneva in a fun and sustainable way

Have you always wanted to visit Geneva? From 19 November to 1 December it is doubly worthwhile: Explore sustainable Geneva and win attractive prizes, including a great Mobility gift.



Municipality of Lutry wants to encourage young people to use car sharing

Young people are less inclined to buy a car than they used to be. Targeted measures are being taken to encourage young people in Lutry (VD) to use car sharing. Mobility's offering was adapted for this purpose.



Car sharing conveniently from your own underground car park

The Himmelrich 3 complex run by the Allgemeine Baugenossenschaft Luzern (ABL) focuses on state-of-the-art mobility solutions – including a car-sharing scheme that is provided in-house in cooperation with Mobility.



GraubĂĽnden in autumn: Laax, Rhine Gorge, Viamala Gorge

The golden autumn in GraubĂĽnden awaits you! How about leaving your car at home and travelling by public transport to avoid traffic jams and stress? Thanks to Mobility on site, you are always mobile on holiday. Be inspired by our excursion tips.



Surprised Mobility customer finds a kitten in her car

A customer opens a Mobility car and finds a three-month-old kitten inside. What happened? We'll tell you this much: The kitten had to spend the night alone in the car.



“The car as a sacred cow: how we need to rethink mobility”

There are almost five million cars in Switzerland. In other words, the entire population of the country can sit in the front. Read the guest article by sociologist and transportation researcher Timo Ohnmacht to find out what this says about us and how we can change it.



“Rather than more asphalt, we need more intelligence”

Jürg Grossen is president of the Green Liberal Party (GLP), a member of the Swiss National Council and chairman of Swiss eMobility: electromobility and car sharing have the potential to play a decisive role in shaping the transport revolution – but this requires more political will and an improved charging infrastructure in the private sphere.


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