High level of customer satisfaction: Your trust is what drives us – we say THANK YOU

Mobility is growing – not just on the road, but in the hearts of our customers. This shows an increase in customer satisfaction compared to the previous year. We are particularly proud of how many people actively recommend us to others.


  • Mobility

Your trust, loyalty and many recommendations make us what we are today – a strong cooperative committed to the mobility of the future.

The results of the survey once again illustrate what we experience every day – Mobility is inspiring! With an outstanding Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 63.6 , Mobility lies well above the industry average – a success we owe to you.

« I’m a huge Mobility fan and recommend you to others on a regular basis. Excellent idea! »

High recommendation score of 8.97

In addition to the outstanding NPS, the average recommendation score of 8.97 shows that Mobility enjoys a high level of trust. A maximum of 10 points are awarded here.

The quick and easy reservations: 

  • are particularly praised. Satisfaction is ≥ 4.5 out of 5 points here.

  • Flexible car sharing with no obligations: customers appreciate the opportunity to use a car at any time without having to own it.

  • Sustainable mobility: many people consciously choose Mobility in order to be more environmentally friendly.

What is the Net Promoter Score?

The Net Promoter Score is a metric used to measure customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. The value can lie between -100 and +100 with higher values indicating a more satisfied and loyal customer base. With a current NPS of 63.6, Mobility is in the excellence range – a figure that shows Mobility is appreciated by its users.

How is the NPS determined?

It is based on a simple question: how likely are you to recommend Mobility to a friend or colleague? The answer is on a scale from 0 to 10:

  • Ratings 9, 10:Inspired customers who actively recommend Mobility to others. Promoters.

  • Ratings 7, 8: Users are satisfied but recommend less actively. Passive.

  • Ratings between 0 and 6: Customers who are not convinced or have had negative experiences. Detractors.

The NPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters.

Example of calculation: assume that of 100 respondents, 70 rate Mobility at 9 or 10 (promoters), 23 rate at 7 or 8 (passive) and 7 rate at 0 to 6 (detractors). The NPS is then calculated as follows:

NPS = (70% promoters) - (7% detractors) = 63.0

Values over 50 are considered excellent – at 63.6 Mobility is clearly in the top class.

« I’ve been a member of the cooperative for a long time and don’t want to miss out on the benefits of the Mobility offer. I think you’re doing a great job. »

Electromobility creates uncertainty

But satisfaction is not just based on numbers. In our customer surveys, we also want to learn about concerns and dissatisfaction. The latest survey showed that one topic is of particular concern to many people – electric cars.

Almost 20% of the Mobility fleet is now electric – and this figure is rising. As a result, more and more customers are coming into contact with electric cars. We are aware that the first e-journey raises questions. How do I remove the cable? What if I need to charge my car on the go?

Did you know? There are instructions for every electric car in our fleet.

  • When you reserve an e-car, you are shown the relevant vehicle type and corresponding instructions in the app or Customer Centre in your reservation.
  • If you want to find out about a specific vehicle in advance, the vehicle manuals in the vehicle overview will help.. Click on the relevant car to find out more about its functions .

And if, contrary to expectations, something doesn’t work – our Customer Centre is there for you 24 hours a day.

We are aware of the increased need for information on electrical topics. We will continue to expand our online offering over the coming weeks and months and will also present you interesting facts about electromobility on social media in the future. 

We already have a variety of exciting e-topics:

Try Mobility now

Our high level of customer satisfaction shows that Mobility is a reliable and popular solution for flexible mobility. More than 270,000 people are already part of the Mobility community. Sign up and take advantage of a simple, sustainable and practical car sharing scheme.

Not familiar with Mobility yet? Using the mobilityEASY offer (link below), you can try out Mobility with no obligation. No monthly fees, and you can cancel every day. Log in, download the app, reserve a car and off you go.

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