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“More roads are the wrong approach to countering traffic growth”

Between e-mobility, public transport and muscle power: mobility researcher Thomas Sauter-Servaes explains what it takes to achieve a sustained transition in transport – and why people still hang on to their cars.



How green is the electricity used to power electric cars?

All 500 of Mobility’s electric vehicles are powered by green electricity. Whilst Mobility can guarantee this, the cooperative cannot control what comes out of the socket. So how does it work?



“We need more mobility and less traffic”

Europe’s climate legislation aims to make us climate neutral by 2050. For this to happen, we need to rethink our mobility and change our behaviour relatively quickly. How can policies and technology help us do that? Four experts in mobility discussed this at Mobility’s latest conference of delegates.



Cooperatives attract talent

Why cooperatives are the corporate structure of the future and why founders should consider them more often: at the Swiss Social Economy Forum, experts talked about cooperatives and the challenges they face in the 21st century. Among them was Mobility CCO Lars Kläger.



Only one in eight wants to return to the corporate office

Co-working for SMEs: why businesses are becoming more receptive to new working models – and how they benefit.



Groundbreaking: Mobility electric cars as a solution to tackle the electricity short-age

Electricity – an increasingly scarce commodity in our high-tech, 24-hour society. Electric cars contribute to the increasing burden on the power grid, too. Mobility is now launching a potential solution: electric vehicles used for car sharing are to charge bidirectionally – in other words, they will feed energy back into the power grid when stationary.



How long is left before the end of the petrol engine?

Europe is aiming to become the first climate-neutral continent. Among other initiatives is an EU-wide ban on the production and sale of new petrol, diesel or hybrid vehicles, which is expected to come into force in 2035. But what other solutions are being mooted, and how realistic is the EU’s ambitious plan to reduce its CO2 emissions?



Welcome to Generation Z

Hydrogen-powered cars are developing much more slowly than e-cars. Mobility NEO will be featuring a number of articles looking at why this is the case. Today we focus on the classic chicken-and-egg problem: are a lack of filling stations preventing the mass spread of H2 cars, or vice versa?



Hydrogen – dream candidate or niche player of future mobility?

Hydrogen-powered cars are developing much more slowly than e-cars. Mobility NEO will be featuring a number of articles looking at why this is the case. Today we focus on the classic chicken-and-egg problem: are a lack of filling stations preventing the mass spread of H2 cars, or vice versa?



Will the first climate-neutral aircraft take off in 2035?

Flying is a burden on the climate. But this could change in the future. Thanks to lighter materials, better aerodynamics and more efficient engines, the energy revolution could succeed in the skies. We ask Volker Thum, Managing Director of the German Aerospace Industries Association (BDLI), where we stand – and where the journey will take us.


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