Your key to 3000 vehicles


With mobilityEASY, you only pay when you drive.

  • Unlimited duration
  • Cancel at a day’s notice
  • Standard rate
  • Automatic day packages

No monthly charges

Activation 39.9
Register now


Even for longer journeys, mobilityPLUS is worthwhile compared to mobilityEASY.
Under age 28: no monthly charges

  • Unlimited duration
  • Cancel at a month’s notice
  • Reduced rate
  • Automatic day packages
  • Free journey start
  • Partner offers

First 3 months free of charge,
then CHF 9.90/month

Activation 39.9
Register now


With mobilityMEMBER you are a member of the cooperative and have the best conditions.

  • Unlimited duration
  • Notice period: 6 months
  • Reduced rate
  • Automatic day packages
  • Free journey start
  • Partner offers
  • Night rate
  • 3×20% on journeys over 72h
  • Drive credit CHF 30/year
  • Share with mobilityCO-MEMBER

No monthly charges

Activation 250
Certificate 1000
Register now

Relaxed driving

Basic cover is included with every Mobility offer. In the event of a claim (damage event), your policy deductible without liability reduction is a maximum of CHF 5000. Decide for yourself how much protection you want.

Liability reduction


  • Policy deductible CHF 1000
  • 3 months: from CHF 39
  • 12 months: from CHF 129
  • Plus surcharges

Liability reduction


  • Policy deductible CHF 250
  • 3 months: from CHF 51
  • 12 months: from CHF 169
  • Plus surcharges

Liability reduction


  • Policy deductible CHF 0
  • 3 months: from CHF 63
  • 12 months: from CHF 209
  • Plus surcharges

Are you a learner driver?

mobilityLEARN is the reduced combination product for learner drivers: mobiltyPLUS incl. liability reduction S for 12 months. Your key to driving experience with different vehicle models.

Are you under 28?

Then you benefit until 28. birthday free of charge from mobilityPLUS. You save CHF 9.90 per month without having to forego the benefits of using it. There’s nothing to think about – just go!

Your drive rates

You pick the vehicle, we’ll take care of the rest: The transparent Mobility drive rates are based on the vehicle category you choose and include:

Vehicle category Time tariff km-tariff*












Prices in CHF, including VAT., mobilityEASY +CHF 1.00/h and +CHF 0.05/km and journey access fee CHF 2.50 – 5.00 (depending on vehicle category)
* Fuel/energy surcharges and discounts reserved

Calculate journey price

Additional charges can apply, for example if a reservation is not initiated or is cancelled. A complete summary of all the additional benefits and charges can be found here:

Fair play and fees

Day packages

Get the best rate automatically from CHF 65. A day package includes an allowance of 100 km within a period of 24h.

Share more, get more.

Looking for an original but useful gift for a relative, friend or acquaintance? Or would you like to give a colleague something special to celebrate their anniversary at the company? Mobility vouchers are just the thing!

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