Buzz, buzz, buzz!

That’s what an intact, healthy environment sounds like. But it’s a sound that’s increasingly fading away: more and more bee colonies are disappearing. What can you do about it? Put up a wild bee hive on your balcony or in your garden. If you order it from Wildbiene + Partner as a Mobility customer, you will benefit from a 20% discount.

  • Sustainability

Insecticides, excess fertilisation, disease – wild bees are spared nothing. Not surprisingly, half of all 600 native bee species live under the threat of extinction. This is a frightening figure given that these industrious little pollinators actually ensure the survival of many wild and cultivated plants in Switzerland. “We have a social responsibility to ensure the bees can live a healthy live,” says Daniela Wechsler of Wildbiene + Partner. 70% of the food that ends up on our plates is due to the work done by these insects, she adds. That’s why the Zurich-based company relies on the commitment of private individuals: “We deliver wild bee hives complete with cocoons to people’s homes.” As soon as the insects hatch, they immediately start to reproduce, providing pollen and nectar for their offspring. Meanwhile, they pollinate fruit trees, berry bushes and other plants in the surrounding area.

A particularly peaceful bee species

Since the company was founded in 2014, number mason bees have been born. You don't need to be afraid of them, explains Wechsler: “This species doesn’t sting and isn’t interested in food or sweet drinks.” It is also adaptable and copes well in urban environments. Have we convinced you? If so choose your BeeHome conveniently online and save CHF 20 thanks to your Mobility membership. In spring you will receive the bee hive along with a starting population of mason bee cocoons – and you can observe “your” bees as they go about their fascinating activity.

Wild bees are particularly peaceful.

On the road with Mobility

To travel to customers or transport large bee hives to orchards, the employees of Wildbiene + Partner also use Mobility. “It’s important to us to ensure we travel sustainably,” explains Wechsler. Car sharing is a logical consequence of this aspiration. “We get flexible transportation at fair prices while protecting the environment, too. To me, that’s brilliant!”

The home of wild bees can also be on the balcony.

Become a wild bee patron now!

By entering the code BeeHappy0816, Mobility customers can get a CHF 20 discount on the bee hives BeeHome Classic and BeeHome Observer. For details, see

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