Mobility electric cars are catching up with petrols and diesels

On the Europaallee (Zurich), you've been able to drive ten electric cars from different brands for a year now. The figures show that Young people like this in particular. The range of an electric car is particularly suited to car-sharing trips. An interim result.


  • Mobility

2030. A magic number for Mobility. By this date at the latest, all of their 3'000+ car-sharing cars in Switzerland are to be electric. But reaching this goal will not be easy: Firstly, an enormous amount of charging infrastructure needs to be built. Secondly, we want to understand exactly what you, our customers, need so that we can meet it to the best of our ability. So we carefully observed the use of the ten electric vehicles on Europaallee in Zürich and answered questions from their users. The results make our car-sharing heart beat faster.

The three most important discoveries

  • The booking figures are convincing: Capacity utilisation of the electric vehicles at Europaallee is on par with that of conventional cars, unlike in recent years when they were a third less popular.
  • Hats off: Half of/two thirds of all users are under 39 years old. We were delighted with this - it's exactly what we hoped for: Getting young people excited about e-sharing.
  • Drivers specifically booked an electric car at Europaallee, even when locations with fossil-powered vehicles would have been closer.

Don't worry, you won't get stuck!

We can say this for sure: The range of electric cars is perfectly suited to car-sharing journeys. Firstly, because modern electric vehicles can travel several hundred kilometres on a single charge, and secondly, because Mobility takes into account the time needed to recharge between reservations so you never face an empty battery. Charge levels in Europaallee are over 80% in nine out of ten cases. Reassuring, isn't it? And if you do have to recharge on the way, you can do it for free at the fast charging stations of Mobility partner Swisscharge .

Better instructions? Your wish is our command

Electric car drivers primarily want more information about the various electric models, especially concerning the different charging procedures. We understand that. You'll now find brief instructions for every model of electric vehicle on our website as well as in the glove box of every electric vehicle. We would appreciate your feedback on these!

Expansion: We're powering forwards

In order to jump-start e-charging infrastructure, Mobility is working with the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB), hiring e-parking spaces from them at railway stations. We are also building our own network of charging stations. In total, 180 of our electric cars are on the road today. By 2023 it will be 450. The ultimate goal is to switch over all 3'000 vehicles within ten years at the most.

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