Your key to 3000 vehicles


With mobilityEASY, you only pay when you drive.

  • Unlimited duration
  • Cancel at a day’s notice
  • Standard rate
  • Automatic day packages

No monthly charges

Activation 39.9
Register now


Even for longer journeys, mobilityPLUS is worthwhile compared to mobilityEASY.
Under age 28: no monthly charges

  • Unlimited duration
  • Cancel at a month’s notice
  • Reduced rate
  • Automatic day packages
  • Free journey start
  • Partner offers

First 3 months free of charge,
then CHF 9.90/month

Activation 39.9
Register now


With mobilityMEMBER you are a member of the cooperative and have the best conditions.

  • Unlimited duration
  • Notice period: 6 months
  • Reduced rate
  • Automatic day packages
  • Free journey start
  • Partner offers
  • Night rate
  • 3×20% on journeys over 72h
  • Drive credit CHF 30/year
  • Share with mobilityCO-MEMBER

No monthly charges

Activation 250
Certificate 1000
Register now

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