"I get a lot of encouragement when I say that I work at Mobility"

Roland works at two locations: 80% in Mobility's Corporate Development department and 20% at the Zug Commercial Training Centre. Find out how the flexible structures allow him to reconcile both.


  • Mobility

Roland, you once completed a banking apprenticeship and now work at Mobility. How did that come about?

I did a banking apprenticeship at Credit Suisse and then went to university. I did an internship at SBB during my studies and was employed as a project manager in marketing after graduating. After eight varied and exciting years, I was given the opportunity to take on a new challenge. I moved into corporate communications at an IT company and then worked for three and a half years as communications officer for the municipality of Ebikon (LU). Because of my great sympathy for Mobility, I have always looked at Mobility job adverts. When the position of Project Manager Corporate Development was advertised, I tried my luck - and got the job.

In addition to your job at Mobility, you also work elsewhere.

That's right, I work 80% at Mobility and 20% at the Zug Commercial Training Centre, where I'm responsible for further training in marketing and sales and teach on various courses. The flexible structures at Mobility allow me to combine both.

How do these flexible structures manifest themselves?

Primarily in the fact that we take it for granted that we can organise and structure our working hours independently. We also have great and centrally located office workplaces in the Suurstoffi in Rotkreuz, but we can also work from home or another location at any time. I really appreciate this freedom and flexibility and it enables me to reconcile my two roles at Mobility and the KBZ.

Is it the people or the structures at Mobility that make this way of working possible?

Of course, the structures have to be right, but ultimately it's the people who set the example. It requires a different kind of leadership and a different understanding of work. Supervisors must have trust and relinquish control.

What was your external view of Mobility before you started here?

I was a member of the cooperative long before I started working for Mobility. I became a member of the cooperative not so much because I had a specific need for mobility, but rather because I was a big fan of Mobility and the idea of sharing cars instead of owning them. I always saw Mobility as an honest and trustworthy company that offers sustainable and innovative mobility solutions.

What reactions do you get when you go out and say you work for Mobility?

I get a lot of encouragement there. In my environment, Mobility is seen as a very progressive and friendly company. Mobility seems approachable and familiar. Mobility is synonymous with car sharing. And I can't actually remember ever having to explain to anyone what Mobility does. Mobility is well known.

What do you see as the meaningfulness of your work?

As an employee of Mobility, I can contribute to making motorised private transport more sustainable and compatible. As an employee in the Products team, our motivation is to develop solutions for our customers that meet their needs and requirements. And as Product Owner Solutions, I work with many great colleagues to lay the foundations so that we at Mobility can develop and offer these sustainable and customer-orientated solutions.

Looking to the future of the company: How do you assess the role of your department?

With our passion and focus on our customers, we are helping to ensure that Mobility remains the car sharing provider of choice in the future.

First name: Roland

Activity: from Project Manager Corporate Development to Product Owner Solutions

with Mobility since: December 2021

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