Municipality of Lutry wants to encourage young people to use car sharing

Young people are less inclined to buy a car than they used to be. Targeted measures are being taken to encourage young people in Lutry (VD) to use car sharing. Mobility's offering was adapted for this purpose.

Text   Charly Veuthey


  • Sustainability

Mobility suits the population

To avoid getting lost in traffic, Lutry offers its residents the option of using public transport and car sharing and works closely with Mobility in this area. «We are very satisfied with the collaboration, as we were able to customise the offer to the needs of the citizens,» explains Patrick Sutter. The town council is responsible for mobility in Lutry.

Municipality wants more sustainability – Mobility responds

«We have given up the location at Lutry station in order to offer two cars at a more suitable location – near the Possession car park. These spaces are ideally located near the municipal administration, shops and restaurants and are suitable for people who live in the town, where there are not many car parks. Mobility has also taken our desire for greater sustainability into account by now offering two electrically powered vehicles.»

A motivational injection of 50 francs

To encourage the use of shared vehicles, the municipality is offering people who would like to try out the MobilityPLUS service an extra CHF 50. «We want to give young people in particular the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the Mobility offering in order to motivate them to opt for car sharing in the future. They should have the opportunity to discover car sharing.»

Not car parks, but fewer cars

The municipality's employees are also travelling in Mobility cars. Exemplary behaviour! «We want to promote sustainable mobility by encouraging people to use public transport and car sharing. There are hardly any free parking spaces in the municipality and we do not intend to provide people with more parking spaces.» Fewer cars, fewer car parks = more space. On average, one Mobility car replaces 18 private cars. 

Vid and Malik are a prime example of New incentives are being created in Lutry. «Mobility contributes to our endeavours to promote multimodality. People who arrive in Lutry by train or bus and then need a car can use the Mobility vehicles.»

Photos: Glenn Michel

Would you also like to benefit from Mobility in your environment? Then get in touch with us. Together we will find out what your needs and wishes are.

Mobility for housing cooperatives, companies or municipalities

We make it easy for you

  • We take care of everything - the purchase, installation of the charging station, cleaning, servicing, tyre changes, etc.
  • We offer a 24-hour customer service
  • We also support you in other ways, e.g. with advertising material and expertise

We help you increase your flexibility and sustainability

  • Fewer vehicles and fewer parking spaces, but more living and living space
  • You are good for the environment: For every Mobility car, 11 private cars are eliminated
  • Mobility harmonises perfectly with public transport: A third of our cars are parked at railway stations
  • Join in and get access to over 3000 Mobility cars throughout Switzerland
  • Thanks to state-of-the-art electric vehicles, you are emission-free when travelling

We contribute experience and quality

  • Mobility invented car sharing and has grown sustainably since 1997
  • Mobility has over 3’000 vehicles at 1’600 stations throughout Switzerland
  • 277'000 people are already part of Mobility
  • The Mobility brand is a safe bet: 95 % of Swiss people know us

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