In Geneva, Mobility passes the 20’000-member mark

The Mobility Cooperative is proud to announce a major milestone in its development in Geneva: the 20’000-member mark has been reached. 

  • Mobility

Just three years ago, the car sharing provider had 16’000 users, meaning that it has added a quarter more – a result of a growing interest in shared mobility.

This growth is also accompanied by a significant increase in the number of Mobility vehicles available to the residents of Geneva. The number of vehicles available in the canton followed the same trend, recording an increase of more than 23% to 269 vehicles, thus reinforcing the car sharing provider’s commitment to more sustainable and accessible mobility.

In Geneva, one Mobility vehicle replaces 21 private cars

Mobility’s positive impact on reducing traffic and freeing up urban space is considerable. At the national level, each Mobility car replaces an average of 18 private cars. In the city of Geneva, the replacement rate is even higher than the Swiss average: here, one Mobility vehicle replaces 21 private vehicles. If all the cars shared by the cooperative in the city are added together, the result is some 2’800 fewer passenger cars on the roads. In terms of parking spaces, this corresponds to an area of around 36’000 square metres, i.e. almost half of the Plaine de Plainpalais.

“These results confirm that shared mobility is a forward-looking solution. By providing an increasingly accessible fleet of vehicles, we are offering an efficient alternative to private cars,” says Mobility spokesperson Stéphanie Gonzalez.

In order to meet the growing needs of the population and contribute to a greener and more fluid city, Mobility plans to continue developing its offer in Geneva and reach 300 vehicles by the end of the year.

about Mobility

Mobility is Switzerland’s leading car sharing provider. The cooperative offers its 277’000 customers more than 3’000 vehicles for all purposes, stationed at 1’600 locations. Thanks to digital technology, use of the vehicles is simple, inexpensive and, above all, sustainable. One Mobility vehicle replaces eleven private vehicles – saving space, reducing traffic and protecting the environment.

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