"It's great that apprentices can work from home"

Teaching? Vocational baccalaureate? Year abroad? Elena decided to do a commercial apprenticeship at Mobility - and has (almost) nothing but positive things to say after successfully completing it.


  • Mobility

How did you end up doing your apprenticeship at Mobility?

I live nearby and have walked past the building time and again. I couldn't get Mobility out of my head. What Mobility does on a daily basis makes sense and that was a criterion when looking for an apprenticeship.

Can you remember what it was like the first time you were in the building?

I can remember it well. I was thrilled when the lift door opened. The furnishings and colours create a lovely atmosphere - definitely a plus point.

Can you describe the company culture?

It doesn't feel like I have to go to work. The atmosphere is relaxed, the interaction respectful and friendly. Short: I feel good. I can walk around the office and talk to everyone. What I particularly appreciate is that everyone is on first-name terms. I know from my colleagues at my vocational school that it's not a matter of course to be on first-name terms with people from other companies.

What characterises a commercial apprenticeship at Mobility?

On the one hand, I think the general conditions are excellent, and on the other hand, the versatility of the training programme matches my interests. By framework conditions, I mean flexwork and working from home. Of course there are attendance times or - depending on the department - a shift plan. However, Mobility also allows apprentices to work from home in consultation and in compliance with the rules. You can organise your own time depending on the department and in consultation with your practical trainers. Here, too, I know from others that this is anything but a matter of course among learners. Mobility gives me confidence and that provides additional motivation.

And what do you mean by versatility?

That the apprentices are deployed in various departments (marketing, accounting, customer services, human resources, etc.). There is never a dull moment and you get an insight into different professions. This allows you to better assess where you see yourself in the future at the end of your apprenticeship. If I had spent three years in the same department, I might have got bored. (laughs)

How important is it for young people to be able to work from home?

Very important in any case. This is particularly popular with younger people.

What else goes down well?

For example, Mobility employees have their birthday off!

You finished your apprenticeship in summer 2024. Your conclusion?

My apprenticeship was great. My vocational trainers were there for me and I always knew where I stood. It couldn't have gone much better.

And what can Mobility do better?

I would have liked a more open and courageous feedback culture, both positive and negative. And from everyone, not just my vocational trainers. Sometimes I found out late whether I had done something well or badly. Who knows, I might have done a better job if it had been assessed earlier.

At Mobility, the apprentices are jointly responsible for the TikTok channel. Does it make sense for companies to rely on the expertise of young people in the area of social media?

Depending on what kind of company. Mobility is a perfect fit thematically, as the topic of cars is popular with younger people.

You have learnt to drive with Mobility. How did that come about?

I've always been passionate about cars, so I started learning straight away when I was 18. I wanted to take the exam with an automatic. As my parents own a manual car, I had to look for an alternative. Then I reserved a Mobility car each time.

Were there any negative reactions from other road users?

Oh yes! Sometimes it felt like the others were a centimetre behind me. I often felt as if everyone else thought I couldn't drive just because I was travelling in a Mobility car. (laughs)

As a Mobility employee, you benefit from discounted conditions. Have you made use of it?

Yes! Looking at my bank account, I obviously used Mobility too much. No, seriously: There are more advantages than disadvantages to learning as a Mobility employee with Mobility. That way I could save money.

First name: Elena

Activity: Service Centre Clerk (from September 2024), previously Apprentice Business Administrator

with Mobility since: August 2021

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