The new app’s damage visualisation feature is an important step in our ongoing efforts to make car sharing easier and more convenient for everyone. We know that having to report damage to the vehicle by phone was both time-consuming and tedious. The new feature allows you to locate damage more precisely and report it faster and more easily. You can upload photos, mark the exact location of the damage on a 3D view of the vehicle and add additional information in a comment field. You can also view the damage documented by the vehicle’s previous user.
The new feature protects you as well as Mobility. It makes documenting and reporting damage easy and gives you control over the process. Meanwhile, we benefit from more precise information, allowing us to react faster and more efficiently.

Open Reservation
Please note: you can check your vehicle for damage and report it in the app no earlier than 15 minutes before the reservation starts. Click on "Check for and report damage".

Checking the vehicle for damage
How to check the vehicle for damage.

Reporting damage or an accident
What is damage? What must I report? Find out everything you need to know here.

Damage overview
Damage list and damage illustration for reporting damage.
The new feature’s only available on our new app. If you haven’t made the switch yet, click here for the recently launched app.
As the time-consuming phone call is no longer necessary, we look forward to receiving more reports of damage. More reports? Exactly! Because reporting damage is hugely important – especially for you. Before you drive off with the vehicle, you must first check it and document any damage. Otherwise, you could be held liable for damage for which you’re not responsible. As a Mobility customer , you’re comprehensively insured in the event of a damage event. With liability reduction cover, you can also reduce your policy deductible (the amount you’re liable for depends on your age and experience and can be up to CHF 5,000). Details of this liability reduction cover may be found here if you are a Mobility private customer or here if you use Mobility for business purposes.
Finally, there’s one more question: what if you’re not clear about what damage needs to be reported? You’re not alone in wondering. You’ll find the main answers here.
Thank you for your continued support and confidence in our service. We look forward to continuously improving your car sharing experience. Do give the new feature a try and tell us what you think. Because even if the new feature means we talk to each other less on the phone, we still want to hear from you. We look forward to getting your feedback!
Your comments will be posted within 24 hours.
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