Goodbye Homo sapiens. Long live Homo sharus!

It is becoming ever more popular to share things, instead of owning them. As a result, Homo sharus is now rapidly becoming more ubiquitous throughout the whole of Switzerland. His preferred habitat is the Mobility customer portal, where, along with different vehicles, he can peruse and share various offers for bikes and camper vans, and even job adverts.


  • Lifestyle

For a long time, Homo sapiens had it good. Over the course of the centuries, he adapted well to various surroundings and living conditions, achieved remarkable advances in science, medicine and technology and created a very nice life for himself, with heated housing, high-speed internet and a minimum of four weeks’ holiday every year.

Not sapient enough

So far so good. Still, it is becoming ever clearer that Homo sapiens may not be quite sapient enough to forge a true success story. He deprives himself of his own basis of existence and appears trapped in an endless of cycle of striving for higher, faster, further, more. No wonder, then, that the critical voices singling out Homo sapiens are becoming louder and more abundant, the voices that have long believed he is on his farewell tour, with the only remaining question being that of how long this tour will last and when Homo sapiens will leave the stage he has graced for around 300’000 years for good.

Trust the evolutionary process

Of course, not everyone is so pessimistic. Those optimistic about the future are mainly pinning their hopes on technological solutions, which have been a hallmark of Homo sapiens ever since the Industrial Revolution. Seldom, if ever, however, has evolution been discussed as a potential solution to the issue at hand. Too slow, not radical enough. The proven principle of mutation, recombination and selection has been the breakthrough that so many amazing creatures have needed over the last 3.5 billion years. So why can’t we evolve into Homo sharus, the sharing human?

From outsider to front-runner

Homo sharus has recognised that sharing is more sustainable than owning outright – and that it makes you happier too. Instead of getting excited by more gadgets, he prefers the gift of time, and goes through life unburdened, rejoicing in his care-free attitude. Homo sharus’ ancestors settled in Switzerland, where they were often spotted in red cars, attracting derision from many. The situation has changed since then. Homo sharus is widely accepted across society and has become one of the front-runners of the sustainability movement. Opportunities for sharing have equally become more prevalent. Today, people share their cars, bikes, e-scooters, homes, jobs and sometimes even their partners, to name but a few examples.

Share even more with Mobility

To ensure Homo sharus doesn’t lose his appetite for sharing in the face of so many options, Mobility now combines multiple offers. mobilityMEMBER and mobilityPLUS customers can benefit from various enticing discounts and the use of other sharing opportunities offered by Carvelo, VanVan, Publibike and IWG.

Explore new offers

Attractive discounts means it is now particularly cost-effective for Mobility customers to discover Mobility's wonderful new world of sharing and evolve into Homo sharus once and for all. 

Take a look and get inspired. Perhaps you’ll discover a whole host of new possibilities for combining your mobility and work in new and more flexible ways in the future.


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